Everyone Is Smart! You Can Be What Ever You Want To Be!
Everyone is smart and intelligent in their own ways. It may not be up to your standards, but they are smart.
Intelligence can be defined many ways, it can be book smarts, street smarts, and what many have, and what i consider ignorant smarts.(probably a better word for it i hust havent learned it yet)
Ignorant smarts to me are people that is smart but just ignorant to the facts and knowledge to be considered "smart" in a particular field. They may seem stupid because they have no experience in the subjects that are currently being spoken, so those that are at a higher level in a subject perceive these as "stupid people"
Why i love technology? Because it can make even the stupidest person, seem like a natural born genius. As long as they have basic common sense and the ability to research the information necessary to carry out these task.
Moral of the story: learn to use google efficiently!
The biggest thing I feel holding people back and my self was fear of the unknown, once I was able to realize and able to start slowly tackling all the fears in my life, like going hiking alone, math, computer programming. Especially computer programming, I honestly felt that it was something I would never get but its true what they say persistence is key and perseverance to get through the hard parts will honestly make you a better person in my opinion. If you have a fear of computer programming and think it is something you will never understand please when I say if you keep at it watch videos and continue reading the materials all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place for you and you will understand computer programming like you will the English language if you continue to keep at it and not give up! I am sure its the same as all profession and hobbys that you want to learn a skill towards it will take time, patience and the ability to persist when things get difficult.