Corgi Engine 2.5/2.5D vs Platformer Pro vs Adventure Creator
If you use the unity asset store then you will notice that these names look familiar, they should they are some of the top ranked paid assets that unity has to offer for any unity game engine developer. When I first started I didn't know the difference between the types of assets I was purchasing, I thought all the assets would be able to be used together without a problem.
Note* If you have a good understanding of C#, these could be improved upon for your game as needed, some may have better documentation then the other.
Corgi Engine 2.5/2.5D ($60) - The Corgi Engine is probably the best documented system assets in the unity assets store they have everything you will need to start a prototype for your 2D game development. Their website has a list of their features for the engine that you can take a look at by clicking here. This is what I would recommend for a beginner to purchase and this should be all you need for a while, as you learn the unity game engine and develop a basic game with out needing to worry about having to script the movements etc... You can focus on designing the game levels and learning the unity game engines editor.
Key Features: - Local Multiplayer - Jet pack - has a good inventory system - gravity to simulate space areas - Flying, Gliding
Platformer Pro ($70) - This has similar features to the Corgi Engine it supports 2D /2.5D game development. What makes it stand out from the corgi engine is the ability to grapple, and add a Swim Feature to your games. I would recommend this if you have a good understanding of C#, the documentation isn't as extensive as corgi but its still good, and has youtube tutorials for you to help you learn to use the Platformer Pro asset. The Corgi Engine and Platformer Pro now both have the jetpack feature.(Fun Fact: Platformer Pro use to cost less then Corgi Engine 2D/2.5D)
*Some features from their forum post: All types of movements available (walk, run, crouch, crawl, jump, double jump, wall jump, climb, ledge climb, jetpack, fly, swim, grappling hook, ceiling Hang, gravity flip...)
All types of attacks (projectiles, multi-projectiles, dash, melee, combos, blocking, knock back, cool down...)All types of platforms/geometry/affectors (static, moving, slopes, 360 Degree Loops, doors, ladders, ropes, wind affectors...)
All types of enemy behaviors and features (Patrol, Jump on head, Hide on damaged, See an shoot, See and charge, Melee attack when in range, Deploy weapons when in range, sequence management, waypoints, spawning...)Items/power up management featuresHealth/damage management featuresCamera controls featuresInput management features
3rd party integration list (Rewired, Control Freak, 2DTK, ProCamera2D, Spine...)
Key Features: - good run and gun type platformers fun features like - ledge climbing - grappling hook - 360 degree looping - raycast
Adventure Creator($70) - This systems assets is best for anyone that want to create a point and click style adventure game, it supports 2D, 2.5D, 3D games. The creator has recently updated their tutorials on youtube you can find the tutorials by clicking here for his youtube channel. Think games like Telltale Games, This asset is the best for anyone that wants to create a story driven game, with point to click features. I would definitely recommend this asset to artists that just want to get their art assets into unity and start creating a game.
Key Features:
- games like telltale games = perfect with Adventure Creator
- good for point and click
- story driven adventures
- inventory system with crafting
Extras Extras Read All About It! When you are creating your games, you need a level designer thats where these come in! The best by far for simple easy use to me is Ferr2D but Super Tilemap Editor is also another good one for 2D level development.
Ferr2D ($30):
From Ferr2D "No placing tons of ground sprites, no manually tweaking piles of collider objects, and definitely not bound to a grid! Just pick a terrain material, and draw a path. Edges switch texture automatically, and colliders create themselves!
-Path based design for rapid development and iteration! -An easy-to-use path editor that allows for extreme control! -4 auto edges, plus additional edges through edge overrides! -Flexible settings: make interiors, exteriors, plants, pipes! -Smart snapping, world snapping, relative snapping. Snip snap! -Wavy shaders for grass, leaves, and other effects! -Fast per-pixel and per-vertex 2D lighting shaders! -Optimized with mobile performance in mind! -2D or 3D colliders, so you can collide however you like! -Collider corner settings for every occasion! -Separate physics materials for different edges! -Custom editors for quick creation of terrain materials!".
A very easy and simple to use level design tool for your next and future 2D platformer.
Super Platformer Editor ($60) - is a pack bundle that Creative Spore offer and comes with their Super Tile Map Editor and a Smart Platform Collider. It is great for anyone that want to make Tiled based games. It has the basic stuff for you to start a prototype game just like all the other on this list to build a prototype of your game.
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