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First Quarter of School First Year Applications Development Program

This isn't meant to teach you anything it is just me recapping what I learned in my first quarter of an applications development program at Renton Technical College. If you would like to follow my journey subscribe and stay up to date with my journey.

We learned Visual Studio how to dl and install

If you don't know go to and search for your preferred platform download and follow the installation instructions and you just did your first week of basic introduction to programming course.

what is a variables and data types a variable is a name you typically give for declaring and using in a c# program. It is first declared with a data type like int then varName i.e int weight.

Data types in C# are:

  • Signed integral: sbyte, short, int, long

  • Unsigned integral: byte, ushort, uint, ulong

  • Unicode characters: char

  • IEEE floating point: float, double

  • High-precision decimal: decimal

  • Boolean: bool

Boolean is a data type to make a variable true or false

Decisions are if else statements in a c# program you can write multiple if statements and nest them inside one another.

Logical operators in c# && (and) and ||(or) Two logical operators are&& and||. The and operator (&&) only returns true when both its left and rightoperands are true, while the or operator (||) evaluates to true when at least one of the Boolean expressions is true (Liberty & MacDonald, 2009; Sharp, 2013).

Relational operators:

< less than,

> greater than,

== Equal,

>= greater equal,

<= less equal,

!= Not Equal

& And

| Or

Conditional &&

Conditional ||

! Not when put infront of a boolean it reverses the value of the expression.

Relational operators compare two values and return a Booleantrue orfalse value depending on the result (Dorman, 2010; Liberty & MacDonald, 2009; Stephens, 2014). Other names for these operators are conditional operators (Stellman & Greene, 2010) and comparison operators (Hejlsberg, Torgersen, Wiltamuth, & Golde, 2011; Stephens, 2014). An example of a relational operator is the less than operator (<). This operator returns true when the value on its left is less than the value on its right. So, 3 < 10 returns true, where as 9 < 1 returns false. Relational operators are often used with if statements.

Loops for and foreach allows you the abilitie to have loops in your program.

Arrays is a way for you to keep multiple values of data, there is a single array and 2 dimensional arrays.

Methods help you to keep your code clean and allow you to reuse your code. methods contain a method header and a method body which is the statement of codes inside of the method header. When you call a method you run the code inside the method that you call.


public class helloWorld()<------- is a Method header public means it can be access by the outside.


Console.WriteLine("Hello World");


if I were to "call" helloWorld(); it will display "Hello World".

and that was it for my first quarter of first year in an applications development program at Renton Technical College.

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