Resources for Beginners to Learn the Unity Game Engine
This is a list of some of the youtube game tutorials for the Unity Game Engine that I recommend, some you may already know but I hope there is something on this list that you will find helpful. If you followed these tutorials you will become proficient in the Unity Game Engine. Check these resources out to learn how to use the unity game engine.
Brackeys Youtube Channel His personal website is :
This guy has over 300 youtube videos and a lot of tutorials on Unity Game Development both in 2d and 3d. The way I would recommend learning unity with Brackeys is by doing it in this order. A lot of his guides are in C# Scripting but if you are looking for javascript as well, his Survival Game tutorial is in unityscript. I prefer watching the C# tutorials ,as I am a student learning C# and using unity to supplement my education. He also has assets on his website that are free and has better assets if you are willing to pay a few extra bucks. His playlist on youtube is nicely organized as well for you I hope you find what you are looking for. Also has a little C# Tutorials if that is also interesting to you.
1. How to make a Video Game in Unity - this video is great to learn the unity engines editor and learn simple scripting.
2. How to make a 2D game
5. Making a Multiplayer FPS in Unity (EP. 1) - uNet Tutorial - You can try out creating a multiplayer fps game with his multiplayer fps game tutorial.
Wow, Is all I have to say about this guy. He is very intelligent and knowledgeable and funny person. His videos are very entertaining and keeps you or at lease me, hooked when I am learning programming and more recent the unity engine. His youtube videos consist of a wide variety of computer programming tutorials on languages that range from python to R. His most recent set of tutorials, as of writing this are on 2d game development with the unity engine in the programming language C#.
Clicking this playlist to his link will take you to the youtubes playlist in it he has tutorials for a range of different style games from Pong to learn the basics of unity editor and simple c# scripting to get you use to everything. Other game tutorials include Space Invaders, Tetris, Mario, Pac Man, and Zelda. He is also thinking about making a tutorial on Artificial Intelligence programming that I am excited to see.
They have one of the more recent as of writing this (Dec 2017) tutorials on 2d game development in unity. So recent that I don't think they are finished yet, so it may go into 2018.
This guy is a professor at George Brown University in Toronto, Canada and teaches game design there. He created a 2D Games Development course on his youtube to help his students in class but it is also created to help anyone that wants to learn unity and c#. These tutorials are great to use if you are an artist and already have your own assets you are working on and want to implement them into a game but do not know where to start. He also has a youtube tutorial guide on 3D(2.5D) Platformer style game development.