Can Marijuana Kill You
The quick answer is NO! The amount of marijuana you would need to smoke to die from weed is over 600 joints in one sitting and it wouldn't be the marijuana plant that kills you, it will be from carbon monoxide poisoning. There is no recorded death of a marijuana only overdose but many die from alcohol, prescription pills, and fast food every year.
The true reason for marijuana being illegal isn't because of how bad the drug is, its because pharmaceutical companys as well as tabacco companys have been pulling the strings in any law that will be passed its all about the green, money green. The government does not care about you or your health they just need you alive long enough to squeeze every penny and "work will" out of you until you are too old to do a damn thing about it.
When they did the testing that marijuana caused brain damage. The test consisted of a monkey getting smoke forced down his lung with tube and no fresh oxygen was ever taken from the monkey. That is the equivalent of being traped in a burning house filled with smoke....
The only thing that a marijuana overdose will do to a person is make you have a great nights rest.
Many are now realizing the great wonders and miracles that is the weed plant. The bad people will try to convince you otherwise but just remmeber one thing! Can you die from weed? NO!!!!!!!
A Marijuana overdoes will cause you to go to sleep for a prolonged period of time.