How to Hit a Bong aka Water Pipe, Bubbler
What is a water pipe? A water pipe is the name of a paraphernalia that uses water to create a smoother smoke rather then a dry pipe or spoon. The bong will hit you harder then a blunt or a joint so beware first time bong rippers make sure you have nothing important to do when you are testing how much a bong hit can f you up! My personal choice is a bong or gravity bong (ill get into that in another post on how to make and use a gravity bong stay tuned!)
First the obvious things you will need is a bong, with downstem and bowl piece, (note: some bongs have a carb hole which is a little hole on the side that you must cover to allow full suction on your piece, they usually have the stem and bowl built in together and you cant remove it like a bong with out carb holes) bubblers also have a carb hole.
Alright, now that you have your bong ready fill it up with water until it cover half inch or so of the downstem, pack the bowl piece with a big piece of bud that can cover the bowl pieces hole, if you are using grinded weed we dont want it to fall through before lighting it up, pack it to your desire ammount remember less is more! I recommend going slow for your first time as the smoke will be thicker then anything you can smoke out of a joint or blunt.
Once you have it set up now is the fun part, inhale deeply count to 4 and exhale fully at a count of 4. Now once you exhale dont take a breath until you lught the bowl with the bud stick your mouth in the bongs top and create a full suction around once you draw on it and light the weed up simultaneously you should see it start to milk up (remember to cover the carb hole if you have a carb) now when you are about 75% out of breath pull the bowl piece out of the downstem and use the remainder of your breath to clear out the smoke (releasing the carb hole will do the same as removing a bowl piece) now breath and hold it in for 3-5 seconds and exhale wait a few minutes and you will be stoned out of your mind for first timers =)
Feel free to ask questions I may have left some things out. Any confusion please dont hesitate to ask in the comment section!