How To Lose Weight (Joke)
Poop pills are all the rage these days for weight loss and anyone with obesity problems, HAHA JUST KIDDING! I read an article on “fecal micro biota transplantation” and how it can help in weight loss.
Scientist have just started research on what is called “poop pills” and these poop pills to lose weight contains the poop of slim people. The whole idea is that you eat slim peoples freeze dried poop pills to help in your weight loss. You can follow the upcoming trial research by Dr. Elaine Yu from Massachusetts General Hospital here poop pills trials.
These poop pill donors undergo vigorous test, and only a few actually pass less then 3% of peoples poop were accepted to undergo the trials.
Read about how they used mice to perform the trials and how a mother that had a fecal transplant donated by her daughter ended up getting overweight, while the daughter was normal but became overweight in the future. Fecal Transplat post by
but real talk, I did lose over 50lb of weight doing nothing but smoking weed everyday, eating junk food, and doing zero excercises. My theory is that the cannabis actually increases my metabolism rather then slows it down. So if you wanted to lose weight all you really need to do is eat healthy, excercise, and smoke a shit ton of weed! HAHHA. Many know that cannabis increases ones appetite, causing one to do the OPPOSITE of losing weight and makes us eat non stop. I would love it if people kept track of their health and lifestyle so that we can see if marijuana does play a role in weight loss.