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Washington States $15 Minimum Wage

Washington State has the highest minimum wage in the nation. Theirs a number of pros and cons to this but I will state some of my concerns.

If the minimum wage increases to $15, to me that means landlord's and store's will increase their cost of living and products to match the increase in wage. Which pretty much negates the purpose of increase wages because things will still cost the same, somewhat. If milk cost $2.70 now with 9$ minimum wage whats stopping stores from charging you $4.5 for a gallon of milk in the future? That's still 3% of your hourly wage for milk either way, if its $9 or $15. The only thing raising the minimum wage does is increase inflation and decrease the power of the dollar.

Any student that is going to a 2 year school to get a job that will pay you $15 an hour will just stop and get a job flipping burger getting paid the same amount as the person that had a 2 year education in their field. Given that the job search will probably be harder because workers hours will either be cut or employees will be laid off to fit the budget required for them to operate at a profitable pace.

Many will argue, but we can't support our kids or family on a minimum wage at $9 these same people are also possibly the ones driving new cars, going out to eat all the time, and spending frivolously. Now wait, before I insult you if you aren't any of those people then kudos to you, for supporting an entire family on minimum wage.

Just remember that everything in your life happens because of the choices you make. Don't blame society because you couldn't work your ass off while going to school I see many people do it in my community college, and a girl I had a crush on, a single mother where I worked, she would come by with her twin girls to order some take out and I would always hook her up with a free drink. She also works and has to pay outrageous rent because she lives in Downtown. Rent there can be as high as 1100 for a small 400 sq room if your even lucky to get a 400 sq room.

So if a Single mother of two kids, TWINS! Can do it, why can't you? If you answered that question then all I have to say is EXCUSES EXCUSES!! Stop procrastinating and start DOING! Don't think what if I did this, just DO IT!! No risk no reward but also calculate how much you are willing to risk. (Unless its something that will cause you injury, then please use common sense and not do it? If you think doing something stupid and injuring your self is smart, then please go right ahead and do it... That is when I say "Darwinism at its best")

The only people rooting for a $15 minimum wage in my opinion are people with no education and don't have the strive to go for what they want.All they are thinking about is the money they can make with each hour they spend at their dead end jobs. Wealthy people think about how much they can make within an hour, rather then subject to what they will be paid for per hour to do their job. Wealthy people always find a way to create wealth and they know discipline is a big part of it. Know what you NEED and forget about what you WANT! Unless you hit the lottery, but even then there are lottery winners that go broke within 5 years, because they have no discipline or financial knowledge.

They never budget in their previous poor life, so whats a budget when your rich! "like, IM RICH RIGHT I CAN BUY AND DO WHAT I WANT?" WRONG! You have to remember that everything you buy will possibly have taxes, and if you are only buying and not investing any of that money, you have no income to support anything you are purchasing therefore you end up spending and spending and not looking at your bank until it is too late, because your stuck in the materialistic world and all your new friends are rich too and you have to keep up with all of them. Those same friends probably also have investments and real estate to get income from. So they are allowed to spend their money, as long as they are being true to their financial situation and budgets.

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