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SB 5052 aka the "NOT" Protecting Patient Act

Wow, So I went in to a recreational store the other day, and found out that you must be 21+ even if you have a MMJ Card if you are under 21+ you will not be served. I am not sure if this was the only place that did this but it brought to my attention a few questions about how this SB 5052 is Protecting Patients, because it looks like its hurting patients A LOT MORE then actually helping them...

Question 1: How does someone under 21 with a MMJ Authorization get their meds obtain it, Since all MMJ Dispensary's and collectives have closed due to SB 5052. So even if you have a MMJ Card and your under 21, You are forced to either grow your own, or go to the black market to get your medicine.

Question 2: How does reducing plant and possession limit for patient helping them when you have other states like Oregon allowing RECREATIONAL GROW AND POSSESSION OF up to 8 plants and 8oz of usable product produced from ones plant.... that is LESS THAN HALF of what a MMJ PATIENT can hold in the state of Washington, Which is 4-6 plants and 6oz of usable dry product....It makes no sense to me that as a recreational person that you would need more then a medical patient.... as a MMJ Patient we have to medicate 24/7 or pain comes back and gets worst the decrease in possession limit gives a lot of people even more anxiety because now they have to make sure to not go over the ridiculously low, The only other way to get a higher grow and possession limit is to be authorized by a physician and entering your information into a marijuana medical database of sorts. Also, remember as a MMJ Patient we give up our 2nd amendment right.

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